2019 NUS Hack & Roll

Getting selected

It was a humbling experience to be chosen as one of the participants in one of the largest hackathons in Singapore. Prospective participants had to go through thorough background check before they were allowed to partake in this hackathon. It was an honour to work and talk to umpteen well-spoken, knowledgeable, and scholarly people. Having just started learning machine learning last year, I felt inferior to some of the cream of the crops; some of them are even doing their PhDs in machine learning! Computer vision, neural network, machine learning were some of the buzzwords that were widely heard in the dining hall. This clearly insinuates that I still have tons to study before I can even be as good as them.

What did we build?

In essence, we built a ‘SmarTissue’, which is an alarm system that would be triggered if someone invaded the seat that you have “chopped“ with your tissue paper. Bookings can be made through our Telegram Chatbot that communicates directly with our Arduino Uno and Expresso Lite.

Team name : The Team

Thank you Andrew for coming up with such an awfully useful idea! We really had fun working on this project! Thank you Hebe for being the electronics god that was still working on the hardware even after the submission time has passed. We won’t be able to present anything if it wasn’t because of you! Thank you Kevin for going through AngularJS and Telepot with me! Hope that we can use your flutter app next time. Lastly, thanks to our scapegoat Wan Ying for being so patient towards our super forgetful Andrew who always loses his stuffs every second! Thanks for bringing laughter to your neighbouring group.


My constant effort to seek discomfort won’t be untroubled if it wasn’t because of the support from these highly capable teammates. I am glad that we did pull through this arduous 24-hour hackaton with our indomitable spirit. It was great working with you guys! Lastly, I would like to thank NUS Hacker’s Core Team for the relentless foods and drinks supplies for the past two days! Thank you for making this hackaton experience so pleasant and indelible! Not forgetting the extremely generous sponsors for all the freebies too!